March 22, 2014

Pascal 2014 XLIV:1

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R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186                                               4 March, 2014                          XLIV:I


Cx. P. 101                                                         

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS

BRASIL                                                           e-mail:  [email protected]


Dear Colleagues, Friends, Benefactors & Family:


            Words, terms and phrases abound in all languages. Some catch our imagination and we memorize them with no particular difficulty maintaining them as personal reference in times of diversion and/or frustration; sources of comfort and stability.

            Problems arise when meanings of these words or terms change, exchange or go synonymous with other words or phrases. Confusion thus arises. Two such terms are “holocaust” and “oblation”. Both are crucial in readings of Sacred, especially Biblical Scripture. History is replete with specific pagan rites of holocaust and/or immolation up to and including human sacrifice (Wisdom 12: 3-6). The ancient Israelis were called to recognize these and eliminate them from their midst (Deut. 18: 9-10). They presented Holocausts to God, usually burnt; immolation of sacrificial animals (usually lambs or steers) rather than humans, representing or substituting something of the person who offered them (vicarious offering), given in reparation for sin or offense, for purposes of recovery, or in preparation for sacramental entry into the Sacred Presence of God (Lev. 16: 2-28).

            Originally intended to be sacramentally for repentance, renewal and conversion, these rituals became perverted to a point of habit that lost the original transcendental goal, even forgetting its original meaning. They became mere repetition to the point that they were not pleasing to God (Jer. 6: 20b; Is. 1: 11).

            Holocaust thus had to  give way to oblation where the one making the offering (the minister) offers himself (herself) in surrender to Almighty God as a “presentation”, a vibrant offering, to be used as GOD Wills, NOT as the minister commands. The intermediate (the substitute) of the holocaust is eliminated in oblation. The oblate (the one offering sacrifice) becomes the offering. Far less mechanical than holocaust, oblation exacts patience, faith and extreme Charity in surrender to the direct Mystery of Almighty God.

            Such virtue is taxing on the oblate. Does God accept the oblation? Only God can judge and that judgment is in Eternity. The temptation to holocaust is constant; substitute, execute, eliminate. “Choose” rather than “Be Chosen”. False gods constantly tempt us to holocaust. Recent history and current events against “life in Almighty God” attest to that temptation.

            Yet God Himself provides the lead in His presence among us. In an earthly life of some 33 years and a Passion of 36 hours, Jesus Christ set the example and direction through Divine Oblation. Provoke none! Surrender completely to Divine Will in Complete, Charitable Obedience.

            We celebrate that Divine Oblation in the Lenten-Pascal season with special attention to the Call:            Surrender to Divine Call; allow God to do the rest.

                                                                       Humbly in Jesus Christ

                                                                       Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

December 15, 2013

2013 Christmas_New Year 2014

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Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fatima                                  19 November, 2013                  XLIII:3

Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171                         

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                e-mail:  [email protected]



Dear Friends Family Colleagues & Benefactors:


          Localization and position are crucial to any stance. Military logistics and tactics are probably the most obvious cases of this. However sports and games are instituted tests where positions are crucial to the application of a participant’s resources against an opponent. Chess is the classic example of these positional games, but all games and sports require some degree of resource positioning in order to gain victory.

          Navigating life itself requires positions and directions whose variability is determined by necessity and CALL. Necessity tends to vary with time and place but the CALL is invariable and immortal. An individual who remains within the confines of his or her own person refusing to recognize The CALL will find positional stance and variability confusing to the point of destruction, a continuous defensive reorientation to mere existence. Yet one who allows even the slightest “exit” from one’s self in response to the CALL of God encounters a certainty of direction that leads to stability in Truth as the power and guidance of Almighty God gently dominate the navigation of life as transcendence of one’s self. Life becomes more than existence. It becomes an immortal vibrancy of virtue complete at each step defined and sustained by The Almighty. That vibrancy of virtue then calls for a reverent respect for all life in its hierarchical diverse forms, complexity and positions (in niche) by God.

          Such respect for Life in God is one of the first transcendental qualities to be DISCARDED and LOST as a person, culture or nation CLOSE upon themselves. Mere CHOICE for convenience dominates to the point of possession. Instead of self-dominance, an entity (person, nation or culture) becomes possessed through self-indulgence. History is replete with individual and collective examples of such self-indulgent degeneration whose end is ALWAYS destruction.

          Humanity found itself in a constant spiral of such degeneration for millennia until just over 2000 years past when Almighty God entered our condition as Savior to confirm and bless the distinct position of each species and individual within creation. We commemorate that entry and blessing in the Christmas Celebrations. Still free to CHOOSE convenience and degradation, we now have sequential blessings to help us make OPTIONS for Eternal Life. Use these options well as you navigate and celebrate:

Life, in Niche by God!


In this I wish you a:



                                                                       Humbly in Jesus Christ

September 12, 2013


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Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fatima                                    7 August, 2013              XLIII:2

Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171                                               

Cx. P. 101                                            

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                  e-mail:  [email protected]



Dear Benefactors, Family Friends & Colleagues:


           Tradition and references of the past are crucial to the definition and perception of every human being. They help us recognize something of our origins, from where we come and from whom we spring.

           The recent World Youth Day and preceding MAGIS celebrations in Brazil provided a special reference to my family and personal past in quite unexpected ways. In Salvador, Bahia a group of 22 youth from Slovakia received me with profound patience and kindness as I used my ancestral language (Slovak) in its verbal form in prolonged usage for the first time in some 62 years. Stunning to me (although it should NOT have been) is the fact that the Slovak I speak is highly anachronistic, actually dating from some 100 or 120 years past (from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries) when my grandparents and great-grandparents immigrated to the United States. In its family use it has changed little. However the national language of Slovakia has seen progressive change. Thus many of the youth of the group had difficulty understanding my words and structures.

           Crucial also is the fact that in my family, as a child, we used the two languages at home (Slovak and English), the latter dominated once I began school somewhere at the age of 4 or 5 years. Thus my Slovak, as one of the priests observed, remains that of a child [from 100 years past]. Essential also is the fact (as Dr. Carole-Ann Dunleavy observed) that the peasant stock from which I come used a verbal form of Slovak that was more colloquial than grammatically exact. This too has its influence.

Anachronism notwithstanding, I had the “crust” to accept an invitation and concelebrate the Catholic Mass in Slovak for the first time in my life. Results were quite agreeably surprising to me. The Slovak priests led. The young people supported, and I actually navigated a celebration where some 40 or 50 participants, representing 6 nationalities survived my “Chutzpah” (as the Yiddish would put it) and completed a truly “mysterious” adoration of Almighty God.

           I present this in gratitude to God rather than in pride. At best I am, along with other ministers, a messenger of God. At times I do not even reach that level. Messengers receive a command. It is their responsibility to present that command in an understandable manner; current, clear, referenced.  Anachronism may actually have some virtue, a distinct quality in itself serving as reference to what WAS, providing a measure of change of what presently IS and what may be in the process of BECOMING in a Faith and Church driven by Jesus Christ through a Vicar who is, for the first time in some 181 years a religious, and a Jesuit at that.

           All of this is most pertinent as I thank Almighty God for these 39 years of Religious Life and 29 years in oHHhhhhHoly Orders as HIS messenger. We are defined by God and each of us is unique before Him. Those unique identities are quite mysterious even to us personally, and that mystery is part of our Communion in The Holy Spirit.


                                                                        With humble gratitude in Jesus Christ

                                                                       Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

March 8, 2013

Lenten-Pascal 2013

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R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186                                            20 February, 2013                     XLIII:1


Cx. P. 101                                                         

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS

BRASIL                                                           e-mail:  [email protected]


Dear Benefactors Family, Colleagues and Friends:


          Humility is a virtue of maturity. Simply put, it is the objective capacity to recognize one’s abilities (or talents) and one’s limits (or inabilities) and be grateful for all. It helps keep one sober as to the talents and strengths, limits and curiosities of which he or she is endowed. Generated from the three in-created virtues of Faith, Charity and Hope, humility can easily be confused with ineptitude, ignominy or cowardice. As a virtue of maturity it requires a certain self-identity.

          A paucity or outright LACK of maturity can complicate life. Especially in childhood, adolescence and youth as we mightily trod or plod primary and secondary education (public or private), we strive to discover our talents but initially encounter our inabilities. Strong academic capacities impart a certain advantage at this stage. They allow one to navigate categories and classes of subjects, fixed knowledge and information. However the genius and/or savant (idiot or prodigious) can experience real frustration as their unique capacities are all but ignored. The broad scope of academics, facile and invigorating in some subjects, is tempered by the stress of confusion presented by other subjects. An individual of academic talents navigates this mental quagmire with more cerebral ease than does the genius and savant. Self-discipline (minimal at this age), required for this navigation, is especially demanded by the intellectually gifted who constantly face the challenge to use talents (still being discerned) to address questions previously resolved by societies and cultures but whose resolution the genius frequently questions.

          Thus can arise a suspicion of ineptitude or ignominy. Perceiving and coming to know the talents that mark one’s intellect, the genius and savant can hide these in examinations and public presentations abhorring recognition (public and private), preferring instead to withdraw socially and even physically from a culture to focus their talents on questions of challenge. This has its detrimental effects often manifest in minimal or even absent interchange with others of similar intellect. However such seclusion, coupled with emerging self-discipline, paradoxically can be a blessing as it hinders recognition of these intellectuals from the variety of prizes and public awards which in themselves can be motivation to one’s service, but can waste valuable time while also being used to canonize and bolster doubtful and even erroneous agendas. Jean Paul Sartre rejected the Nobel Prize for literature and continued prolific as a philosopher. Grigori Perelman, solving the Poincaré conjecture, rejected the Fields Medallion and thus insured his legendary status as a mathematician. Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), in abdication, confirms the humble courage that has been a characteristic of his life.

          Humility? Ignominy? Ineptitude? Cowardice? One cannot judge! The facts remain. They remind us that a Power beyond us constantly calls. That Power stooped to ignominious death during the Pascal Passion almost 2000 years past. To this day that Passion strikes many as ineptitude. Yet the Oblation of The Savior God was and remains an act of Divine Humility that changed us all. Be Grateful! Be Joyful! Be Humble in celebrating a:



                                                                                  Sincerely in Jesus Christ

                                                                                             Ed Benya, S.J.

November 27, 2012

XLII:3 Advent-Christmas-New Year

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Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fatima                                  9 November, 2012                    XLII:3

Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171                         

Cx. P. 101

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                e-mail:  [email protected]



Dear Friends, Family, Benefactors & Colleagues :


          The fall from grace is always traumatic for an individual, a group or even a species. Transgression, sin or betrayal, the terminology can vary but first venture of any entity into degeneracy is ALWAYS marked by depression.

          That venture is always PRECEEDED by Confusion to some degree. From the first sin of our primal parents to the specific falls that each of us makes in our unique ways, the Tempter knows that we MUST  be confused in some way or form because, notwithstanding our frailty, limits and weakness, none of us  wants to freely and consciously offend Almighty God. We must be misled somehow and the tempter, in his malignance, is most proficient in confusion.

          Yet initial fall is anything but satisfactory to the prince of degeneracy. He knows that Divine Compassion and Mercy are infinite in their abundance and that recovery awaits every sinner who repents. Proclivity of function, habitual fall is the degenerative goal of this spiritual Deviant. Such habit characterizes the addict, one who is a carrier of degenerate tendency (or tendencies), be it alcohol, aberrant sex, violence, fear, food or any perversion of the otherwise beneficial gifts bestowed upon us by our Creator. Such proclivity is a weakness, but NOT in itself an offense to God. Recognized and dominated by the carrier, through the Power of God, such weakness can become a source of sanctity as was the “thorn of Satin” that Saint Paul carried, or the sexual abuses that Saint Augustine conquered.

          Thus addiction to evil must finally lead to Despair if the Tempter is to conquer. That despair MUST be manifest in “license” (juridical permissiveness), individual and collective so that perversion be INSTITUTED within entire cultures and nations. Decent people of spiritual weakness QUIT on themselves through moral compromise with evil not only in their own witness but also promoting such compromise through instituted and condoned social and spiritual degeneracy. The libertine sequence is established and promoted.

          Almighty God is aware of this sequence of degeneration. He knows that on our own, we are no match for the Tempter. Thus He ARRIVED among us, as ONE of US, complete with our tendencies (yet COMPLETE in innocence) in order to face and defeat the malignance that can dominate and destroy us. Not content to merely conquer evil, He established a Body and transcendental mechanisms (Sacraments) to assist each of us in our personal battle against evil in our efforts to recognize and defeat our personal proclivities.

          We celebrate that subtle arrival and continued profound presence at the HANUKKA-ADVENT-CHRISTMAS Season with gratitude and sobriety of Joy in our witness to Him, Jesus Christ who is our redeemer. In communion with Him, I wish to all:



                                                                       With humble gratitude in Jesus Christ

                                                                                  Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

October 22, 2012

complete website

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Edward Benya @ 11:44 am

August 25, 2012

XLII:2 ASPERGER: Aug, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 7:03 pm


Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fatima 16 August, 2012 XLII:2
Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171
Cx. P. 101
62.900-000 Russas, Ceará e-mail: [email protected]

Dear Family, Benefactors, Friends & Colleagues:

Their efforts are public, but of minimal notice. Profoundly handicapped by a weak capacity for personal social interaction, they seem aloof or removed from regular comradery or friendships. Yet people with ASPERGER syndrome can concentrate and persevere in a quest for truth demonstrating a persistence that approaches stubbornness. They are anything but quitters.

The vague identification of their situation complicates any attempt at absolute identification. Symptoms of the syndrome are even in dispute. Yet the characteristics are quite notable although most variable in their collective presence.

Sir Isaac Newton is the only historical figure of note, (to my knowledge) actually certified with Asperger syndrome. His persistence in addressing the Tangible AND Spiritual aspects of any question led to a recluse personality that is legendary. To a lesser extend Albert Einstein showed a similar persistence as did Father Gregor Mendel (in discovering basic principles of Genetics) and perhaps St. Thomas Aquinas.

All of these individuals, in broadly diverse areas of investigation, sought a common goal, within those diverse disciplines; to recognize and reconcile the physical aspects of a problem with spiritual (metaphysical) aspects of that problem. Their actual success or failure can be judged only by Almighty God. Yet in success or failure, their dedication was never lacking.

Such totality of analysis is brutal on a career. Most careers run within a 20-year period. Data is chosen, analyzed within categories and presented selectively and tastefully. The career allows choice and distance, but the vocation demands surrender because the person of vocation is in oblation, he is called and directed by The Spirit that is beyond him. It is that Spirit which governs, directs and defines. Much as we may wish, we cannot simply ignore some parts of a question while addressing another. Ask any parent who has raised a child, any instructor who has taught a student, any researcher who has analyzed data or a doctor who has treated a patient.

The vocation is driven by God who defines the oblation of the oblate, be it in marriage, Holy Orders, Autonomy in God or any other transcendent direction. This year I mark 38 years in oblation to Almighty God. These years have passed most rapidly. Their final value is known only by Almighty God, yet your presence with and in Him is a unique blessing to me for which I thank Him and I thank you.

Gratefully in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

March 22, 2012

XLII:1 Lenten-Pascal tide 2012

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R. Aloysio Sehnem, 186                                   17 March, 2012             XLII:1


Cx. P. 101

93.001-970 São Leopoldo, RS

BRASIL                                                           e-mail:  [email protected]


Dear Friends, Family, Colleagues and Benefactors:


          The celebration is one of two in Christendom commemorated in an “octave”, an 8-day period of spiritual festivities (the other being Christmas). The Easter Octave brings a unique reminder that our entire position before Almighty God and our stance within creation CHANGED instantly, subtly and profoundly through our Redemption by Jesus Christ in the Salvation He won;… free and clear. We were Transformed.

          The subtlety of the original event can be lost as one examines and meditates on it through the present context of profane, modern and post-modern perception; dismissing it completely as a hoax OR assuming it to be one simplistic, “mathematical” event offering little or no challenge to us, the redeemed. Subtle challenge (maddening at times and unique to each participant) was and remains an essential key to Salvation.

          Holy Scripture presents a sequence of manifestations by Jesus Christ of Himself to individuals or groups whose stance was far from “open”. The first such manifestation was to the soldiers, guarding the tomb, sleeping or half-asleep (Mt 28: 4, 11-15). These quickly panicked and then submitted to bribery for purposes of silence and even miss-information. Yet they were, as is all humanity, REDEEMED. Hopefully they repented of their fault and embraced the Savior.

          The sequence continues with a group of pious women who approached the tomb well before daybreak on Easter Sunday (Mk 16: 1-5; Mt 28: 1-3: Lk 24: 1-8) wondering who would remove the stone at the entrance of the tomb. At their arrival the stone is conveniently removed and a “young man” (angelic in origin) patiently informs them of the Risen Savior directing them to notify Christ’s disciples of His Resurrection. These instructions they dutifully absorb and then ignore because of unadulterated FEAR.

          One of these women remains near the tomb for no specific reason except a personal longing to locate the missing corpse of the Crucified. Personally manifesting Himself to her, she fails to recognize Him and even confuses Him for one of the hirelings,…. the gardener (Jn 20: 15) in a dialogue that permits Christ only one word; “Miriam” (Mary in Hebrew, her name). At this she recognized Him as “Raboni” (Master) and apparently tries something akin to a tackle hoping to keep Him in one place. He then strictly instructs her “Do no detain me.” but sends her to inform His disciples of His resurrection. This she does with no complication and is quickly dismissed as incoherent (Lk 24: 9-11; Mk 16: 9-11).

          Still later that same day Christ manifests Himself to a couple of followers, in hurried and frightened exit from Jerusalem, engaging them in lively conversation and clarification (Lk 25: 13-35). These also fail to recognize Him until He actually breaks bread with them and then disappears at which time they muster blithe courage, return to Jerusalem and discover that the entire group is confused concerning the day’s events.

          This scenario of doubt, fear and surprise is crucial in that it verifies the respect and patience of the Redeemer for EACH one of us individually. His manifestations are unique and specific, according  to each one’s capacity. HE perseveres WITH us notwithstanding our personal DENSITY (spiritual or otherwise). Receive HIM; with a

Peaceful and Blessed Pascal tide!


                                                                                  Sincerely in Jesus Christ

                                                                                             Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

November 30, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 6:21 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                           16 November, 2011       XLI:3

Trav. Carlos Pontes, 171                                    

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                 e-mail: [email protected]


Dear Colleagues, Family, Friends and Benefactors:

The symbols are plethora. Many are ancient, dating from centuries, even millennia past. Specific signs mark a promise made not only to a people, but to a species that had been tricked, confused and confounded into following an aberrant promise;

Partake of the forbidden and you shall become like God, Almighty God.

Enticed as such, our progenitors (“First Parents”) fell into evil, the demonic grasp. Thus we became alienated from our Creator, from each other even from ourselves with divisions, perversions, proclivities and degenerations that social analyses have been mightily trying to explain for centuries.

Yet only one course presents the way, that of transcendental surrender, and only one Promise (The Redeemer) has the power for our recovery. That Promise was given by the Creator, Almighty God, for the One Savior who would redeem the world. He marked that Promise clear and solid with messengers throughout the centuries so that the arrival of that Savior could clearly be anticipated, perceived, recognized and known. However confusion by the tempter remained strong and the arrival of that Savior was a little-known truth recognized and received by a materially impoverished and socially despised but spiritually empowered group that can only be described as peripheral. He Himself Jesus Christ lived on the periphery of established society. Yet He manifest the Divine Presence among us and drew to Himself members of all classes of that species which had been degraded by evil those many centuries earlier.

He is one of us and lived as we do in all except sin. Rejected by the world, He found acceptance by those among us who, although degraded by sin, are not of the world and thus received the blessing to hear Him. His message was and remains short and clear;

“Follow Me!”

Nations, empires, powers and principalities have opposed Him. They still do because they fear Him, his Call, his Message. His signs and symbols are rejected even today as a degraded world (and many in this world) seek to hide Him and hide themselves from Him confirming one of the declarations in the Prayer of Glory:

“…as it was in the beginning, is now..”

Laws, edicts, declarations and threats are aimed at anyone who would receive Him, especially publically. Yet a distinct part of us remains faithful to Him as He never quits on us. He personally remains with us as I pray that you (we) be loyal to Him and in Him, in a communion that gathers us in spirit notwithstanding vast geographic separation as I wish you:


Sincerely in Jesus Christ

Pe. Ed Benya, S.J.

September 1, 2011

XLI:2 Life at the Periphery

Filed under: Uncategorized — Edward Benya @ 12:04 pm

PAROQUIA – Nssa. Sra. Do Rosário

Residência Nssa. Sra. de Fátima                                              18 August, 2011           XLI:2

Trav. Carlos Portes, 171                                     

62.900-000 Russas, Ceará                                 e-mail: [email protected]


Dear Benefactors, Colleagues, Friends and Family:

Life at the periphery of a unit (physical, biological, social, spiritual, structure or class) has a distinction of its own marked by qualities of that unit, yet most definite in its own character. Mutants of a population, criminals of a society, foreigners in a nation, prisoners of a judgment, soldiers in a campaign, prophets of Almighty God, warriors in battle, monks in a monastery, pundits of a culture, ministers of a faith exemplify groups whose presence within a unit raise questions, interest and even ire of those more integrated within that unit. Integration has its values but it is “virtuous diversity” that leads to plurality. Membership in more than one such peripheral unit simultaneously is entirely possible.

For those at the main stream, localization at one or more peripheral positions can seem odd and even harsh. Establishment within periphery can present challenges and even problems. Adjustment to periphery demands major shifts in sleep, nutrition, activity and physical conditions. Yet once established that adjustment can present a dynamic in self-discipline characterized by prolonged and perseverant presence; the “long-haul”. A member can find a definite rhythm to life through the navigation of periphery. John the Baptist, Gregor Mendel, Thomas Aquinas, Alexander Soljenitzen, Wernher vonBraun, Thomas More, Rupert Mayer, Ông Cao Quang M? are among a now-recognized elite whose positions (and situations) were peripheral and even marginal; anything but socially elite. Their social circles being limited, permitted time to think, pray and meditate on questions whose spiritual demands were complemented by intellectual implications. At periphery time and solitude can be most abundant. The peripheralized may speak precious little in words yet say volumes by his mere presence.

Assets at periphery are usually vastly varied from those of main-stream society. Food is usually basic and minimal as is the drink available to the peripheralized. Refection may be once or twice a day, and at times not even that. One learns to consume creatures and entities that are otherwise shunned or even rejected by polished society. Morsels of the meadow, fungus of the forest and samples of the swamp present additions to the menu that are diverse and mysterious. Paradoxically such “trash” can have sustaining value well beyond that of socially established diets as the prophet Daniel and his companions demonstrated during the Jewish Babylonian Captivity.

While presently recognized as the most significant individual in history, Jesus Christ was anything but a mainstream personality during His time in this life. Popular but peripheralized, that peripheralization reached the point of persecution and brutal execution. His conquest of both persecution and death is well chronicled in Revelation and the Holy Scripture. He continues to call, to invite. That Call promises challenge and at times even peripheralization, a call to immortality.

I cannot claim to be at periphery but I can acknowledge those who are. Their company and witness especially during these 27 years in Holy Orders has been magnificent. I thank them and I thank God.

Sincerely in Jesus Christ

Ed Benya, S.J.

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